Tuesday, November 3, 2009

How much do I love Stephen Colbert?

How much do I love Stephen Colbert, you ask.
Maybe a lot.
Maybe a little.
Maybe I haven't even heard of the guy... Or maybe I have.

Ofcourse I have! Otherwise I wouldn't be writing this segment on my love for the one and only: STEPHEN COLBERT.

I would be lying if I said I didn't wait to see Mr. Colbert's loveley face at 8 p.m. everyday (that is 9 p.m. central to those of you who choose to live in no man's land america). I also would be lying if I said I didn't count the hours till 1 a.m. (once again, that's 2 a.m. for those of you living in the potato state of Idaho.) Oh Stephen, how you make me happy. If it weren't for your warm angelic smile, and booming voice I would have lost all hope for humanity.

Whether you are a democrat poking fun of Republicans or simply an arrogant parody of a staunch Republican I find you sexy. I even found you sexy on the "Dana Carvey Show" in the early 90s, or when you were on the odd, yet entertaining show, "Strangers with Candy". And when I first saw a glimpse of you on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, I immediately made watching the show a priority in my life. And when word got out that you were to have your own show I went out and partied like I never partied before!

Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that thanksgiving is coming up soon and well, that means avoiding eye contact with any of your dysfunctional family members.

But no, I really know what you're thinking. You're thinking that I'm no special woman, seeing as there are plenty of other fans out there in support of Stephen Colbert. SORRY BUT I AM HERE TO TELL YOU, "NO!" I AM THE MOSTEST, ABSOLUTELY BESTEST FAN OF STEPHEN COLBERT!

I've read his book, "I am America and So Can You" from cover to back, thrice! I've read the well less known comic book, "Stephen Colbert's Tek Jansen" in a galactic state of less than one hour. I watched Stephen on the Bill O'Reily Factor, I've read Rolling Stones' interview.

I've laughed with Stephen. I've cried with Stephen. I've laughed and cried with Stepehen.

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